Institute Establishment History

Fort Cox Agriculture and Forestry Training Institute was established in 1930 and is one of the eleven training institutions of agriculture in the country but the only institute offering a Diploma in Forestry. It is set amid beautiful surroundings of bush – clad hills and mountains, and endows a diversified socio-economic and biological heritage. It is a place of great historic significant. It is the same environs that many of the famous warriors; like Rharhabe – Xhosa chiefs of the old time built their kraals. The chronology of historical events gives a summary of major social and academic events that highlight the development of the institute since its inception.

Vision and Mission

To provide quality and relevant vocational education and training in Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry in accordance with dynamic and ever-changing needs of the Sector through:
> Continuously improving the curriculum offerings.
> Conducting applied research aimed at developing the most suitable technologies.
> Conducting community outreach programmes aimed at comprehensive
agricultural and forestry development and empowerment for rural wealth creation.

Strategic Focus

The Institute has identified the following strategic focus areas to be implemented during the next five years commencing in 2021/22 - 2025/26.
> Consolidating new advanced diploma offerings in both sustainable agriculture and
forestry discipline.
> Promoting applied research that is relevant to local needs of the farming
> Developing a funding model to sustain the growth trajectory of the Institute.
> Consolidating its partnership engagement strategy in support of the 'Institutes'
growth phase.
> Expanding community engagement initiatives in support of rural development
imperatives of the Province. 

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